Thanks to everyone who replied.

Doing this with HL coefficients just prior to solvent-flattening was the least painful. I arbitrarily divided by two (see below).

Most importantly, the maps improved significantly, showing clear nucleotide density for missing (unmodeled) RNA fragments where before there were only uninterpretable blips.

On Jul 11, 2008, at 11:47 PM, Randy J. Read wrote:

Hi Bill,

The easiest thing is to scale down the HL coefficients, e.g. by dividing them by two. (Dividing by two has the effect of taking the square root of every value in the phase probability curve then renormalizing, which reduces the sharpness of the probability distribution without changing the positions of the peaks. It's also equivalent to increasing the underlying variance of sources of error in the phasing.)

You could do this in sftools. It's likely that in some programs there's an option to provide a scale factor for the HL coefficients.



AND ...

On Jul 11, 2008, at 11:36 PM, Thomas Edwards wrote:

this sounds exactly what "blur" hl coeffs does in CNS.
From their web pages:


"Blur" Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients for use in refinement with the MLHL target

           The phase probability distribution is "blurred"
           by application of a scale factor (S) and a B-factor (B):
             HLA_new = S * e^(-B*s*s) * HLA_old
             HLB_new = S * e^(-B*s*s) * HLB_old
             HLC_new = S * e^(-B*s*s) * HLC_old
             HLD_new = S * e^(-B*s*s) * HLD_old
           This is performed to compensate for overestimation of phase
           accuracy which most often occurs after density modification
           or when probability distributions are derived from an
           atomic model.
           Warning: this should only be used when there is a good
reason to believe the phases are biased. MAD or MIR
                    phase probability distributions should usually
                    not be modified in this way.

Good Luck!

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