Dear All,

I would like to inform you that 2 postdoctoral positions are available at the EMBL Hamburg Unit in the research group of Matthias Wilmanns. I attach brief descriptions of the Vacancy Notices below. Deadline for application is 15th June 2012. Further Detailed Information can be found under :

Margret Fischer

*Postdoctoral Positon, Reference HH_00025*
Applications are invited for research projects of the Wilmanns group in the EC-funded consortium SystemTB (, which aims to understand the pathology of /Mycobacterium tuberculosis/ during infection. While the core expertise of our group is in structural biology, we have established methods in mycobacterial genetics for the creation of full deletion mutants and specific point mutants using non-pathogenic model systems (M. smegmatis, BCG) (for examples, see: Noens et al. (2011) PMID: 2143903, Poulsen et al. (2010) Mol. Syst. Biol. PMID: 21439037). We have initialized several new collaborations using different "--omics" techniques, namely in interactomics (using high throughput mass spectrometry) (IBB Warsaw), metabolomics (ETH Zurich), proteomics (ETH Zurich), and lipidomics (CNRS Toulouse). The fellow is expected to carry out and to coordinate experiments in mycobacterial genetics in the context of ongoing and future projects. Most of them will be in cooperation with partners from the SystemTB consortium
Postdoctoral Positon, Reference HH_00026*
Applications are invited for research projects of the Wilmanns group ( in the new European consortium GoMoA with partners from Spain, France and Germany. The key aim of this network is to identify and to characterize protein targets from /Mycobacterium tuberculosis/ for lead compounds against tuberculosis that already have been validated by an industrial partner. The objective of our group is to contribute to the identification of protein targets, in collaboration with the group of Dr. John Overington from the EMBL-EBI Unit in Cambridge (UK), and on their biochemical and structural characterization. This novel research direction will complement our record in M. tuberculosis structural biology and functional characterization. The fellow is expected to carry out and to coordinate experiments in functional and subsequent structural characterization of protein targets from /M. tuberculos/

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