Dear Monica,

strong 222 rotational symmetry plus translational symmetry would give 8 
molecules in the unit cell. (4 in the a.u. in P2x and 2 in case of P2x2x2x). 
(test ALL options!).

Do you have models for both the ligand binding domain, or only for the DNA 
binding domain? You have to search for the domains with separate models, not as 
a single model with the complete protein since the relative orientation of the 
domains may differ. I would just run MR jobs for 1, 2 and 3 molecules in the 
a.u. and for full-length and truncated models and see which one gives best 
results. If you make a script for it, it is very little work.

Good luck!

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] Im Auftrag von Monica 
Gesendet: Montag, 18. November 2013 14:37

Dear CCP4  Users,
                 In Phenix.xtriage and phaser, the analyses of the Patterson 
function reveals a significant off-origin peak that is 23.25 % of the origin 
peak, indicating pseudo translational symmetry at
frac. cord. vector 0.000    0.500    0.022 . It did not indicate any
twinng. Data is good with resolution upto 2.8A. The cell dimension in
P21 SG is 57.877, 63.321, 108.028, 90, 89.987, 90 and in P222 SG is 57.805, 
63.266, 108.053, 90, 90, 90. We can say cell dimension align well in in P21 and 
P222 SG.
             For MR template, about 75% of domain1, we have solved in our lab 
and remaining 25% is available from pdb with 30% sequence identity. It is a 
transcription factor with ligand bindng domain and DNA binding domain. I tried 
finding MR solution but does not gave satisfaction result. The Rwork and Rfree 
stalls around 47% and 53% respectively. Is there any possiblity to guess the no 
of molecules present in ASU from self-rotation function? If we can then we will 
be sure of whether it is full length of truncated one.
Thank you

On 11/18/13, Eleanor Dodson <> wrote:
> First Q - how good is your data - is there no possibility of twinning 
> or any other distraction?
> Second Q - To compare those results properly we need to know how the
> P2 and the P222 cell align - are the cell dimensions more or less the 
> same?
> But the 2 plots you attach (and the list above) show both very strong
> 222 symmetry so the most likely assumption is that the pointgroup is 
> P222.
> The next peak down the list is only 0.13 for one and 0.17 for the 
> other pointgroup, which only borders on significance..
> But this doesnt really prove anything - for example, if there is a 
> flexible linker the 2 domains of each molecule may be in different 
> relative orientations . Do you have any MR search model for the 2 
> domains? I would search with them and see what they predict - on the 
> whole self rotation functions are most comprehensible AFTER the 
> structure is solved!
> Eleanor
> On 18 November 2013 09:58, Monica Mittal <> wrote:
>> Dear CCp4 users,
>>                                 May anyone help me in interpreting 
>> the self-rotation function from molrep. Data can be indexed,scaled 
>> equally well in P21 and P222. This protein has two domain linked by a 
>> long flexible linker and get cleaved during crystallization. After 
>> crystallizing it in many condition, i believed that i found new 
>> condition where it may be full length. May anyone please suggest me 
>> by looking at the self-rotation function, how many molecule exist in ASU.
>> Matthews  coefficient suggest that there would be 2 copy of full 
>> length protein or four of truncated protein in P21 space group. For 
>> your interpretation, please find attached images of rotation function 
>> around K=180 Molrep self rotation peaks are
>> P21 space group
>>       theta     phi     chi     P(i)/P(0)|
>>  +------------------------------------------+
>>  |   1     0.00    0.00    0.00        1.00 |
>>  |   2    90.00   -0.00  180.00        0.79 |
>>  |   3    35.78   -0.00  180.00        0.17 |
>>  |   4    90.00 -170.05  180.00        0.17 |
>>  |   5    58.71  180.00  180.00        0.14 |
>>  |   6   108.34  180.00  180.00        0.14 |
>>  |   7   117.39  180.00  180.00        0.13 |
>>  |   8    90.00   90.00  108.54        0.13 |
>>  |   9    90.00  -90.00  108.54        0.13 |
>>  |  10   144.50   -0.00  180.00        0.13 |
>>  |  11    37.57   25.59  179.98        0.12 |
>>  |  12   148.10    0.00  180.00        0.12 |
>>  |  13   121.73    6.36  179.62        0.11 |
>>  |  14    63.31  -42.27  180.00        0.11 |
>>  |  15    90.00   90.00  162.29        0.11 |
>>  |  16    90.00  -90.00  162.29        0.11 |
>>  |  17    71.12  136.88  180.00        0.10 |
>>  |  18    99.17 -180.00  180.00        0.10 |
>>  |  19   144.80 -161.87  180.00        0.10 |
>>  |  20    90.00 -138.24  180.00        0.10 |
>>  |  21    82.27  -76.45  180.00        0.10 |
>>  |  22    90.00   90.00  115.94        0.10 |
>>  |  23    90.00  -90.00  115.94        0.10 |
>>  |  24   159.16   27.07  180.00        0.10 |
>>  |  25    95.08  -35.92  179.84        0.10 |
>>  |  26   113.86 -139.44  179.54        0.10 |
>>  |  27    90.23   -0.00   89.32        0.10 |
>>  |  28    20.18 -156.63  179.98        0.10 |
>>  |  29   116.90  -40.40  179.50        0.10 |
>>  |  30    63.12  139.60  179.50        0.10
>> P222 space group
>>       theta     phi     chi     P(i)/P(0)|
>>  +------------------------------------------+
>>  |   1     0.00    0.00    0.00        1.00 |
>>  |   2    90.00  -21.41  180.00        0.13 |
>>  |   3   125.32    0.00  180.00        0.13 |
>>  |   4   151.18  -90.00  180.00        0.12 |
>>  |   5    90.00 -180.00   90.00        0.12 |
>>  |   6   141.32   26.82  180.00        0.12 |
>>  |   7    90.00  -42.59  180.00        0.11 |
>>  |   8   127.22  -25.21  180.00        0.11 |
>>  |   9    37.04  -14.48  180.00        0.11 |
>>  |  10    59.17 -129.14  180.00        0.10 |
>>  |  11    56.66 -174.09  180.00        0.09 |
>>  |  12    40.85  144.82  180.00        0.09 |
>>  |  13    54.16 -167.88  180.00        0.09 |
>>  |  14   109.29  -61.09  180.00        0.09 |
>>  |  15   123.12  -84.90  180.00        0.09 |
>>  |  16    64.66  -93.79  180.00        0.09 |
>>  |  17   113.09  108.59  179.89        0.09 |
>>  |  18    93.84   37.37  179.94        0.08 |
>>  |  19    90.00  -33.41  180.00        0.08 |
>>  |  20   131.95   90.00   90.75        0.08 |
>>  |  21    53.78 -144.59  180.00        0.08 |
>>  |  22    49.15  -43.11  180.00        0.08 |
>>  |  23    62.98  -56.60  180.00        0.08 |
>>  |  24    61.97  138.06  179.91        0.08 |
>>  |  25    96.77   59.47  179.90        0.08 |
>>  |  26   118.74   40.91  179.85        0.07 |
>>  |  27   100.14   57.97  179.86        0.07 |
>>  |  28    59.74 -139.98  180.00        0.07 |
>>  |  29    58.97 -141.14  180.00        0.07 |
>>  |  30   103.38   59.92  179.81        0.07
>> Many Thanks in advance for your kind help.

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