Dear Herman,

I am not sure what you really want. Maybe this can help you.

You can get the following numbers out of MAIN 
1. comparing a pair of selections. It makes sense only if they are equivalent.

> rms b-val  select my_selection_1 end select my_selection_2 end

2. Show command does statistics for a given selection. The “bond" keyword 
considers fluctuations between bonding atoms, whereas without it the selection 
is considered as one group. 

> show b-val bond select my_selection end

best regards,

> On Mar 27, 2015, at 1:00 AM, CCP4BB automatic digest system 
> <> wrote:
> Date:    Thu, 26 Mar 2015 11:32:43 +0000
> From: <>
> Subject: r.m.s.d. ΔB
> Dear Bulletin Board,
> A referee wants for the “Table 1” in the supplementary information the 
> following data:
> The r.m.s.d. ΔB (bonded atoms) (Å2)
> All protein atoms
> Main chain – Main chain
> Side chain – Side chain
> Main chain – Side chain
> r.m.s.d. ΔB (Non-bonded contacts) (Å2)
> All protein atoms
> Using google I found at that some of these numbers could be calculated with 
> Moleman, although I am not sure to what extend this program is still 
> maintained.
> Older versions of Refmac would calculate r.m.s.d. ΔB’s for main chain and 
> side chain bonds, which I guess would be the “Main chain – Main chain” and 
> “Side chain – Side chain” values requested. However, what would should I 
> think of the “Main chain – Side chain” values; differences between Calpha and 
> Cbeta atoms?
> What would be the use of these numbers? The standard CCP4 validation 
> programs, or any validation program I know, do not calculate these numbers, 
> so they do not seem to be extremely important. If somebody could point me to 
> a program which could calculate these number without too much effort, I would 
> be happy to do it.  Otherwise, I would still be willing to go the extra mile 
> if someone could convince me that it is useful to have these numbers.
> Thank you for your help!
> Herman

Dr. Dusan Turk, Prof.
Head of Structural Biology Group 
Head of Centre for Protein  and Structure Production
Centre of excellence for Integrated Approaches in Chemistry and Biology of 
Proteins, Scientific Director
Professor of Structural Biology at IPS "Jozef Stefan"
phone: +386 1 477 3857       Dept. of Biochem.& Mol.& Struct. Biol.
fax:   +386 1 477 3984       Jozef Stefan Institute
                            Jamova 39, 1 000 Ljubljana,Slovenia
Skype: dusan.turk (voice over internet: <>

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