Dear all,


The MX beamline at the Alba Synchrotron (Barcelona), BL13-XALOC, is now open
for user proposal applications. Worldwide institutes are eligible for
beamtime, which is established based on the peer-reviewed proposals. The
beamline is included in the Biostruct-X <>
funding program for transnational beam time access within EU. In order to
apply, please register at the Alba User Office Application
( <>  ).


Application deadline is October 10, 2012, for the period May-December, 2013.

You can find information about the beamline at


Experimental setup includes: 

*       In-vacuum undulator IVU21, 2-m long 
*       Tuneable energy range 5.5-21 keV, DE/E = 2×10-4 
*       User defined beam shaping from 10µm-200µm vertically and 50µm-200µm
horizontally, less on demand 
*       Vertical beam divergence <0.1µrad 
*       Possibilty to work in focused beam (small beam) or unfocused beam
(small vertical divergence 0.03µrad) 
*       Pilatus 6M detector 
*       Microdiffractometer (MD2) with Mini-kappa goniometer MK3 
*       Automatic sample changer (CATS), 90 sample storage capacity (SPINE
pin compatibility) 
*       Bruker AXS X-Flash fluorescence detector 
*       Common MX software installed 


Near future upgrades include 96-well crystallization plates scanning.


Best regards,


Jordi Juanhuix Gibert

Experiments Division, CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron

Carretera BP 1413, de Cerdanyola a Sant Cugat, km 3,3

E-08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona

Tel: (+34) 93 592 43 22 <> 



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