Hello everyone, 
I got this error, attached below, while running a restrained refinement in 
Refmac-5.5.0109. I tried to run the refinement by removing the SCALE entries in 
pdb file but got the same error. 

* Information from CCP4Interface script
The program run with command: /home/indico/abhik/softwares/xtal/CCP4-Lin-generic
/ccp4-6.1.13/bin/refmac5 XYZIN "/home/indico/abhik/structures/alfama/HB/Hem_x2_5
54_Maio11/2QSS_bov_hb_6.3_refmac15-coot-0_mo7_model.pdb" XYZOUT "/home/indico/ab
hik/structures/alfama/HB/Hem_x2_554_Maio11/2QSS_bov_hb_6.3_refmac16.pdb" HKLIN "
s_dm1.mtz" HKLOUT "/home/indico/abhik/structures/alfama/HB/Hem_x2_554_Maio11/x2_
554_5_0001_pointless_refmac2_model.mtz" LIBIN "/home/indico/abhik/structures/alf
ama/HB/Hem_x2_554_Maio11/heme_554_may11_9_lib.cif" LIBOUT "/home/indico/abhik/st
has failed with error message
At line 1117 of file /usr/local/xtal/ccp4-6.1.13/src/refmac5_/make_PDB.f
Fortran runtime error: Bad value during floating point read
#CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 At line 1117 of file /usr/local/xtal/ccp4-6.1.13/src
/refmac5_/make_PDB.f Fortran runtime error: Bad value during floating point read
#CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 16 Jun 2011  18:12:48
#CCP4I MESSAGE Task failed

What could be the possible reason for this error message.
Thanks in advance. 

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