Thank you both for your answers!

*Upasana* - the chromatogram was randomly selected to ilustrate the point -
we do a careful equilibration of the column and degas the mobile phase(s)
before starting. I'm not really sure what you mean by oligomeric state of
the protein - we are working with complex proteic mixtures that are not
characterized, hence the need for fractionation.
*Matthias* - your advice is spot on! I will give it a try and keep you

On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 10:24 AM Barone, Matthias <>

> Hi sorin
> The problem in your elution profile is that you cannot define a global
> threshold as the baseline is heavily bent (relative to the peak heights)
> and starting to fractionate at 6' is not the problem, telling the script to
> stop once you reach baseline at 13' is.
> I would try what you proposed: Given that your peak elution time points
> are reproducible, I'd actually work with the "watch" function and turn it
> on while watching OD for the given time windows.  fractionate the first
> block when OD exceeded a certain threshold and then turn the watch function
> off after, say 13'. Turn it back on at 20' and fractionate into another
> well. Use the time as base and keep the Äkta pumping at constant speed.
> Curious if someone knows a better strategy!
> Best, matthias
> ------------------------------
> *From:* CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Sorin
> Draga <>
> *Sent:* Monday, June 3, 2019 8:29:40 AM
> *Subject:* [ccp4bb] AKTA FPLC fractionation peak by peak
> Dear all,
> We have an old akta system, running Unicorn 4.0, recently donated to our
> lab. While attempting to fractionate a protein mixture, I was unable to
> convince Unicorn to fractionate within given limits (say, for ex peak A
> between RT a and b and peak B between retention times c and d). All that I
> could manage to do is fractionate at a fixed time interval.
> For clarity, I have attached a picture below (orange square would be what
> we actually want to fractionate)
> Any help would be appreciated, as we are pressed for time ( I am certain
> that we are missing something simple)
> Thank you!
> [image: image.png]
> ------------------------------
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