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-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: [ccp4bb] sugar and coot
Date:   Wed, 30 Nov 2011 19:42:54 +0000
From:   Paul Emsley <>
To: <>

On 30/11/11 17:07, Heping Zheng wrote:

 The issue I have is to polysacchride chains refinement in general, but
 here more specific about branch chain of polysacchride chains. For
 example, if you think about the case of N-glycosylation
 Asn-NAG-beta1,4-NAG-beta1,4-Man-(alpha1,3-Man)-alpha1,6-Man ...

 Now you have a branch chain, Now if I assume the following resseq
 ASN A135
 NAG A500
 NAG A501
 MAN A502
 MAN A503
 MAN A504

 In my coot, version 0.6 revision 2540, You will be able to refine
 A500-A503 as a whole since they are consecutive in resseq.


 But when I need
 to refine NAG A500 together with ASN A135 locally, simply specify the
 range is not enough, I need to specify a small radius to get it work, even
 though the covalent link is defined in LINKR record.

Quite so.  As I said (or more accurately, implied) LINKR recognition is
an on-going issue (i.e. it doesn't work yet).

 The same applies when
 I want to refine just A502-A504 alpha1,6 glycosidic bond without refine


 I am just wondering what is the state of the art for branch chain handling
 in coot or another interactive refinement program.

Well, I don't know much about about other programs, but in coot you can
use refine-residues or Sphere Refinement.
Even in 0.6.


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