Prof. Gebhard F.X. Schertler
Structural Biology ETH Zürich D-BIOL

Head of Biology and Chemistry
Paul Scherrer Institut
Laboratory of Biomolecular Research,
OFLC 109
CH-5232 Villigen PSI<>
phone +41 56 310 4265<tel:+41%2056%20310%204265>

Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:

Von: Leonid Brown <<>>
Datum: 28. September 2019 um 04:34:11 MESZ
An: Undisclosed recipients:;
Betreff: Retinal Proteins Conferences - Historical Website

Dear colleagues,

I am happy to announce that we launched a historical website dedicated to past 
ICRPs (International Conferences on Retinal Proteins), at I want to thank everyone who provided the 
historical materials and Rob Reedijk (University of Toronto) for his work on 
the website design.

As you will see from perusing the site, it is a beta version and some pages are 
incomplete. So I encourage you to send any materials you will find missing from 
those pages, especially on some of the older conferences.

Thank you in advance for your support. Feel free to send the link to anyone who 
may be interested.

Best regards                                                 Leonid

Leonid S. Brown, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Physics,
Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, CEPS,

University of Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada
phone, voice mail: 519-824-4120 x53295 or x53777


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