The Paul Scherrer Institute is with 1300 employees the largest research centre for the natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland and a worldwide leading user laboratory. Its research activities are concentrated on the three main topics of solid-state physics, energy and environmental research as well as human health. The Swiss Light Source (SLS) at PSI is a world- class synchrotron radiation facility devoted to high-profile research in the natural sciences. The SLS operates two high performance undulator beam lines for protein crystallography and a state-of-the-art bending magnet beam line with integrated crystallisation facility. The Macromolecular Crystallography group is involved in several aspects of protein crystallography including the design and construction of new beam line components as well as various structural biology projects.

We are looking for a Group Leader Macromolecular Crystallography Swiss Light Source (SLS)

    Your tasks

As group leader you will be responsible for the staff, the beam lines and the research programme of the Macromolecular Crystallography group. You will lead the further automation of the beam lines and our ambitious instrumentation projects. In addition, you will direct the structural biological research and crystallographic methods development of the group in close collaboration with the PSI structural biology group.

    Your profile

You hold a PhD in natural sciences and have several years of experience in either protein crystallography or related beam line instrumentation. You have experience in leading projects and inspiring mixed groups of scientists, engineers and technical staff. If you are a good team player with fine communication skills and sense of responsibility, this position will offer a great opportunity for you to pursue your research career in an exciting and highly multidisciplinary

For further information please contact: Dr Clemens Schulze-Briese, Phone +41 (0)56 310 45 33,

To apply, please submit a CV, three references and a concise description of research interests and future plans quoting ref. no. 6112-01 in the subject line, to: Paul Scherrer Institut, Human Resources, Ref. code 6112-01, Elke Baumann, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland or to:


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