First you cannot normally expect two in the same AU have the same
structure, so an over-weighted averaging may cause bias.
It is likely that a rigid-body refinement down to two molecules or
even domains may help improve in your case.
On Jan 16, 2008, at 8:47 AM, Sun Tang wrote:
Hello Ever
ni hao,
I have a question about how to improve the electron density. I have two
indepedent molecules in the asymmetric unit (1.9 A resolution). I solved the
structure with PHASER and refined with CCP4i (Rfree = 0.29).
For the first molecule, the density is very good, but for the second one,
Hello Everyone,
I have a question about how to improve the electron density. I have two
indepedent molecules in the asymmetric unit (1.9 A resolution). I solved the
structure with PHASER and refined with CCP4i (Rfree = 0.29).
For the first molecule, the density is very good, but for