
As far as the nitrogen stream delivery system is concerned
- remove the leg(s) from the empty dewar and let it warm up to room temperature
- make sure the dewar has not collected ice at the bottom. If it has, remove 
the ice and let the dewar dry
- connect a high-vacuum turbo-pump to the leg valve, start the pump and once 
the pump runs quietly, open the valve and let the pump run for many hours while 
warming-up the lower end of the leg (hot-air gun but do not turn the heat on 
full power, warm is sufficient). Close valve and turn off the pump
- place the leg(s) back into the dewar and fill it up

As for the AD51 unit
- maintenance is due every 15000 hours (yours shows 26000 hours)
- for sure you need to replace the carbon impregnated seals on the oil-free 
compressor pump heads* (not rocket science)
- replace the compressor delivery filter too
- check that all air and purge valves are working

*Quote from the maintenance manual, page 6: The eventual failure of the cup 
seal is a very sudden process and the dryness of the dry air will deteriorate 
rapidly, also the maximum flowrate of dry air will drop below 25 litres/minute 
(perhaps less than 10 litres/minute).

Good luck,

Dr. math. et dis. nat. Jeroen R. Mesters

University of Lübeck
Institute of Biochemistry
phone: +49-451-3101-3105
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck

> Am 09.02.2023 um 09:14 schrieb Natesh Ramanathan <nat...@iisertvm.ac.in>:
> After they saw via video call that the Dry Air Unit was not maintaining more 
> than 15 L/min Air flow, even after adjusting the flow rate knob..  they gave 
> a  quote for service...    As always, the cost of the service engineer visit 
> and spares were prohibitively expensive and... 


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