A PhD bursary position is available at the University of Groningen to study the structure and function of LysM (peptidoglycan/chitin-binding) domains in eukaryotic proteins. The aim of this project is to obtain in-depth structural knowledge of eukaryotic LysM domain repeats and their interaction with ligands in order to explain their biological functioning. This will be accomplished by combining state-of-the-art genetic engineering and protein overproduction technology in the group of Prof. Dr. Jan Kok (Molecular Genetics Department) with the high-throughput X-ray crystallography facilities of the group of Prof. Dr. Bauke Dijkstra (Laboratory of Biophysical Chemistry), both at the Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB) of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

*We offer: *A bursary position for a period of 4 years. Within this period, the work should lead to a PhD thesis and a PhD defense at the University of Groningen. The gross amount of the bursary grant will be EUR 1422 per month.*

We look for: *A molecular biologist / biochemist with interest in protein structure determination and structure analysis.*

Required skills: *Expertise in molecular biology technology, protein overproduction and purification, biological activity assays. Excellent communication skills with good command of oral and written English. Preferably background knowledge of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology. Preferably familiarity with the Linux operating system and scientific computing and data analysis.

*Information and application:*
A more detailed description of this PhD position may be found at http://www.rug.nl/gbb/jobopportunities/bursarypositions/index.

For further information and direct applications please contact:

Prof. Dr. Jan Kok
Dept. of Molecular Genetics

Prof. Dr. Bauke W. Dijkstra
Laboratory of Biophysical Chemistry

Dr. A.M.W.H. Thunnissen
Laboratory of Biophysical Chemistry, University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, the Netherlands
Phone +31.50.3634380     Fax +31.50.3634800

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