PhD position in Structural biology of Huntington’s disease using solid-state NMR

University of Groningen, Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials (Netherlands)
Van der Wel Solid-state NMR Group

We are looking to fill a PhD position for an exciting new project in our lab at 
the University of Groningen. This project is funded by a grant from the 
Netherlands’ Campagneteam Huntington – a community-driven effort to fund 
Huntington’s disease (HD) research in the Netherlands.

The researcher will use solid-state NMR and electron microscopy for molecular 
studies of the central protein misfolding event behind the neurodegenerative 
disease HD. Tailor-made solid-state NMR experiments will be used to provide an 
atomic view of the protein aggregates. For an integrated 
structure/toxic-function analysis, the project will include toxicity assays in 
human neuronal cells and aggregation modulation studies. The PhD researcher 
will perform the cellular assays with the group of Prof. Amalia Dolga, our 
close collaborator in the Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy. The 
interdisciplinary studies are designed to yield a new understanding of this 
devastating disease, with likely implications for other neurodegenerative 
disorders associated with protein aggregation.

Recent HD research papers from the lab:
• Hoop et al. (2016) Huntingtin exon 1 fibrils feature an interdigitated 
β-hairpin–based polyglutamine core. PNAS 113(6):1546–51.

• Lin et al. (2017) Fibril polymorphism affects immobilized non-amyloid 
flanking domains of huntingtin exon1 rather than its polyglutamine core. Nat 
Commun. 8:15462.

• Smith et al. (2018) Structural fingerprinting of protein aggregates by 
dynamic nuclear polarization-enhanced solid-state NMR at natural isotopic 
abundance. J Am Chem Soc 140(44): 14576-14580.

The candidate is expected to have a Master’s degree (or potentially a BSc 
degree with demonstrable research experience*) in bio- or physical chemistry, 
(bio)physics or another field of science relevant for the position. Experience 
with NMR, and especially solid-state NMR, is an important consideration, but 
may not be essential (depending on the background of the candidate). Applicants 
with a background and interest in protein biophysics or protein aggregation are 
encouraged to apply.

For information or questions about the project, application procedure, and 
requirements, potential applicants should contact Dr Van der Wel at <>
Additional background information about the lab is also available on our 
website <>


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