Post-doctoral positions are available in the Protein Design group
at Yokohama City University.  Projects include beta helical bacterial
virulence factors and protein-based nanocomponents for semiconductor
manufacture (in collaboration with Panasonic). See J. Biol. Chem. 280,
17339-17345 (2005) and Structure 14, 925-933 (2006) for more details.

The group is well equipped with three R-Axis detectors, AUC, ample
wet lab facilities including crystallisation robotics and ready access to ITC,
CD, SAXS and NMR, and is conveniently located between SPring8 and the
Photon Factory.

Please visit our web site for more information:

Yokohama is a lively city with great food and excellent travel connections
to the rest of Japan and Asia.

Interested candidates with a molecular biological or crystallographic
background are welcome to send a CV to:

Jeremy Tame
Protein Design Laboratory, Yokohama City University
Suehiro 1-7-29, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama 230-0045, Japan

Tel +81 (0)45 508 7228    Fax +81 (0)45 508 7366

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