Dear CCP4-ers,
Postdoctoral position in reactive oxygen species (ROS) biology

A postdoctoral position supported by the King’s College London British Heart 
Foundation Centre of Excellence is available at King’s College London in the 
field of ROS biology. The project is a collaborative effort amongst the groups 
of Prof Ajay Shah MD (Cardiovascular Division, King’s College London), Dr Conte 
and Dr Steiner (Randall Division of Cell and Molecular Biophysics, King’s 
College London) aimed at elucidating the molecular mechanism of controlled ROS 
production in higher organisms.

The project is highly interdisciplinary and will combine structural biology 
(X-ray and NMR) with biophysical (ITC), biochemical and cell biology work. The 
post requires experience in molecular biology/protein biochemistry. Proven 
prior experience in protein expression using the baculovirus system is also 
considered very important. Additional experience with biophysical methods 
complementary to structural biology and/or oxygen biochemistry is welcomed.

The post is available immediately and funding is initially available for 18 
months. Salary will be commensurate to prior experience and qualifications. 
Interested applicants should contact Dr Roberto A Steiner 
(<> ) directly by 
submitting their CV together with the names of three referees. Informal 
inquiries are welcome.
Deadline for this application is 21st March 2011.

Best wishes

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