Dear ccp4 users,

Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Computational Structural Biology at the Zhang Initiative Research Unit, Advanced Science Institute, RIKEN, Japan

We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced computational structural biologist to join the Zhang Initiative Research Unit at RIKEN. The successful candidate will use computational tools to tackle problems in the area of protein folding, structure prediction, crystallographic phasing or drug design.

Qualifications: This position requires a PhD in biophysics, biochemistry, chemistry, bioinformatics or structural biology with experience in employing computational tools to solve biological or chemical problems. Experience in protein folding, protein structure prediction, protein structure analysis, protein crystallography or structure-based drug design are highly desired. Proficiency in object-oriented programming and scripting languages are also required. Experience in high performance computing, network computing or grid computing would be a plus. The ideal candidate should possess a track record of accomplishments demonstrating technical proficiency, independent thinking, and scientific creativity. The research environment in the unit is international and English will be used for communication and knowledge of Japanese is not required.

Salary and benefits: This is a full-time position with an annual renewable contract. Salary will be commensurate with qualification and experience. Commuting and housing allowance will be provided.

Application and required documents:
Complete CV (including list of publications) and names and contact information of three references.

Contact information:
Ms. Hiroko Kani
Zhang Initiative Research Unit
Advanced Science Institute
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
E-mail: zhang-unit [at]

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