Postdoctoral position available in the School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool


Salary: £30,594 pa

Duration: 1 year initially

Closing Date: 20 January 2009

Start date: Immediately available

Sulphur anomalous scattering is a large and relatively untapped resource for use in de novo protein structure determination but routine use of this ‘long wavelength’ phasing method is far from established. We are working among others with the University of Georgia (USA) and SER-CAT at the Advanced Photon Source in Chicago to develop long wavelength phasing as a method for routine data collection, processing and structure determination at synchrotron radiation beamlines. The objective is to make long wavelength SAD phasing no more difficult to achieve for structural biologists than Se MAD, which is already well established as a routine high- throughput approach for structure determination.

The project is a collaboration between scientists (Professor Samar Hasnain and Dr Richard Strange) in the Molecular Biophysics Group at the School of Biological Sciences. The experimental programme, from e.g. crystal optimisation to selection of wavelength, absorption corrections to structure solution using multiple crystals, will be performed at the new UK Synchrotron Source (Diamond) where the Science and Technology Facilities Council has recently announced funding for a dedicated beamline for long wavelength phasing as one of the Phase III beamlines, at APS, Argonne, USA and SPring-8 in Japan.

For additional information on the group’s activities, please visit

Informal enquiries to Professor S Hasnain, or

Dr. R. Strange, email:

Submitting Applications

Applications may be submitted by e-mail to or by post or in person to: The Director of Human Resources (Recruitment), The University of Liverpool, Foundation Building, 765 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L69 7ZX

Application Procedure

Applications should comprise:

*A completed applicant information form

* A copy of your full curriculum vitae

*A statement indicating the reasons for applying for this post and how your training and experience is relevant.


• Structure determination of a 16.8kDa copper protein at 2.1Å resolution using anomalous

scattering data with direct Methods, I. Harvey, Q. Hao, E. Duke, J. Ingledew and S. S. Hasnain,

Acta. Crystallogr. D: Biological Crystallography 54, 629-635 (1998)

• Is single wavelength anamolous scattering sufficient for solving phases? A comparison of different

methods for a 2.1Å structure solution. Y. Liu, I. Harvey, Y. Gu., C. Zhang, Y. Z. He, H. F. Fan, S.

S. Hasnain, Q. Hao Acta. Cryst.D., 55,1620-1622 (1999).

• Cianci et. al. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 12, 455-466

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