I have found the FFAS server ( http://ffas.ljcrf.edu/ffas-cgi/cgi/ffas.pl )
to build the best models for low homology MR searches. A relevant paper:
2004 Acta Cryst D60 1229-1236.
Best of luck,
2009/6/21 孙建
> Dear all:
> Recently,I have a problem about molecular replacem
30% is getting difficult - it may or may not work. But it is worth
Search model preparation programs such as Chainsaw rely on an accurate
sequence alignment (between model and target), and this also gets
difficult at 30%. You should try something more sophisticated than
simple pairwise ali
Dear Sunjian,
what is important is the structural similarity of your model to the
unsolved structure, for instance in r.m.s.d - of course, this cannot
be determined until you have solved the structure!
The % identity is only an indication of how similar the structures may
be, sometimes 100%
孙建 wrote:
Dear all:
Recently,I have a problem about molecular replacement with
identity 30% model. There are two moleculars in AU.Through
self-rotation analyze,there are a two-fold axis in AU along X axis or
Z axis.Then I rotate and translate the model with CNS MR module.
several model
Dear all:
Recently,I have a problem about molecular replacement with
identity 30% model. There are two moleculars in AU.Through
self-rotation analyze,there are a two-fold axis in AU along X axis or
Z axis.Then I rotate and translate the model with CNS MR module.
several models have been