Dear all,

This email is sent on behalf of Professor Dale Wigley, Imperial College London, 
who is looking to recruit two Research Associates. The full details are 
attached, see the following for brief info.

The successful candidates will join a multi-disciplinary team of international 
researchers investigating the structures and mechanisms of chromatin modifying 
complexes in human DNA damage repair and cancer. We combine structural biology 
techniques with biochemistry to understand molecular mechanisms for DNA repair 
that prevent cancer in humans. Candidates must hold a PhD, or equivalent, in 
biochemistry, enzymology or structural biology and have a demonstrated track in 
conducting high quality original research.

Closing Date = 16 March 2018

Best wishes, Martin


Martin Wilkinson<>

Imperial College
Lab 245
2nd Floor, SAF building
Imperial College Road


Attachment: HM2018026 Research Associate AD QC MJ - QC KW.docx
Description: HM2018026 Research Associate AD QC MJ - QC KW.docx

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