Two positions available in my lab at EMBL Grenoble:

   1. Post doc position via the BioStruct-X Joint Research Activity (JRA)
   workpackage "Mammalian cell toolbox for structural biology" (collab. with
   Oxford University).
   2. Research technician position.

Details pasted below. Further info and online application at


Research technician, High-Throughput Protein Expression

Location: Grenoble, France
Staff Category: Staff Member
Contract Duration: 1 year
Grading: 4 or 5, depending on experience and qualifications
Closing Date: 31 October 2012
Reference number: GR_00044

Job Description
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is one of the highest
ranked scientific research organisations in the world. The Headquarters
Laboratory is located in Heidelberg (Germany) and the outstations are in
Grenoble (France), Hamburg (Germany), Hinxton (UK) and Monterotondo (Italy).

A technician position is available in the High Throughput Protein
Technologies laboratory of Darren Hart at EMBL Grenoble. It is funded by
P-CUBE and BioStruct-X, European “Research Infrastructures” projects
established to provide access to unique high-throughput protein production
facilities by visiting international researchers.

The candidate will be responsible for molecular biology and automation
tasks associated with high throughput screening of expression constructs in
bacteria using a new robotic technology, ESPRIT. Projects will be conducted
with both local and international visitors, and the candidate will be
responsible for the planning of the work and visits, together with
experimental supervision. In addition to the project support roles, the
candidate will work on a set of defined research activities involving
vector design, protocol development and crystallisation studies.

Tasks include DNA purification and enzymatic manipulation, PCR, operation
of robotics and other advanced instruments, protein expression and
purification. Additional tasks include the development of new protocols,
testing of new equipment for the facility, keeping accurate records of
consumable use on a project basis, ordering of laboratory consumables and
monitoring associated budgets, meeting with visiting representatives from
suppliers, general maintenance of the robotic laboratory equipment and
arranging repairs as necessary.

Qualifications and Experience
The candidate should hold a Masters degree, or have a good level of
previous, relevant work experience. He/she should have a sound experimental
background in DNA manipulation methods, E. coli protein expression and
protein purification. Experience in high throughput expression, protein
engineering, directed evolution and/or laboratory automation would be
advantageous.The candidate should have experience of working in an English
speaking environment.The ability to work with team members and laboratory
visitors is essential. Fluency in English and good computer skills are

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Molecular Biology

Location: Grenoble, France
Staff Category: Postdoctoral Fellow
Contract Duration: up to 18 months
Grading: N/A
Closing Date: 31.October 2012
Reference number: GR_00045

Job Description
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is one of the highest
ranked scientific research organizations in the world. The Headquarters
Laboratory is located in Heidelberg (Germany) and the outstations are in
Grenoble (France), Hamburg (Germany), Hinxton (UK) and Monterotondo (Italy).

EMBL is seeking to recruit a postdoctoral researcher to join the team of
Darren Hart. The position is funded by the European Framework 7 BioStruct-X
project and is a part of a  collaboration to develop a new expression
technology for structural biology that can be applied to challenging human
proteins. The project will combine random library technologies and high
throughput robotics developed at EMBL (PubMed ID: 20206698, 21515383 &
21364980) with parallelised mammalian expression approaches from the
Aricescu lab, University of Oxford (PMID: 17001101). The subjects of the
method development will be medically important human proteins where the aim
is to initiate structural and functional studies.

Qualifications and Experience
The successful applicant should hold a Ph.D. in molecular biology and have
experience of transfecting and handling mammalian cell lines, as well as
being a skilled molecular biologist. He/she should be able to work
independently and take responsibility for his/her own project. Strong
teamwork and communication skills are required as well as reliability,
attention to detail and effective time management. Motivation to work in a
multidisciplinary and international environment is fundamental to this
position. Good communication and presentation skills and fluency in English
are expected.

Application Instructions
Please apply online through www.embl.org/jobs

Please note that appointments on fixed term contracts can be renewed,
depending on circumstances at the time of the review.

Dr. Darren Hart,
Team Leader
High Throughput Protein Lab
Grenoble Outstation
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

For funded access to ESPRIT construct screening via EU FP7 PCUBE:


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