Dear Users,

>  The deadline for Nov/Dec 2011 Collaborative
>  Crystallography proposals will be *Sep 15, 2011. *
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Through the Collaborative Crystallography Program  (CC) at the
>  Advanced Light Source (ALS), scientists can send protein crystals
>  to Berkeley Center for Structural Biology (BCSB) staff researchers
>  for data collection and analysis. The CC Program can provide a
>  number of benefits to researchers:
>    * Obtain high quality data and analysis through collaborating with
> expert beamline
>      researchers;
>    * Rapid turn around on projects; and
>    * Reduced travel costs.
>  To apply, please submit  a proposal through the ALS General User
>  proposal review process for beamtime allocation. Proposals are
>  reviewed and ranked by the Proposal Study Panel, and beamtime is
>  allocated accordingly. BCSB staff schedule the CC projects on
>  Beamlines 5.0.1 and 5.0.2 to fit into the available resources. Only
>  non-proprietary projects will be accepted. As a condition of
>  participation, BCSB staff researchers who participate in data
>  collection and/or analysis must be appropriately acknowledged -
>  typically being included as authors on publications and in PDB
>  depositions. Please consult the website for additional information at:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  How To Apply:
>  To learn more, go to:
>  To submit a proposal, go to: Scroll
>  down to "*Structural Biology beamlines (includes protein SAXS)*"
>  and click on "New Proposal."  Enter your proposal information, with
>  attention to the following details:
>  * For question 3/First choice, select "5.0.1
>    (Monochromatic);" for question 3/Second choice, select "5.0.2 (MAD)."
>  * Check box (yes) in response to question (7) "Do you want collaborative
> crystallography
>     (beamline 5.0.1 or 5.0.2 only)
>  * In question 4, please describe a specific research project with  a clear
> end point.
>  In order to request CC time for Nov/Dec 2011 allocation period,
>  proposals must be submitted by *Sep 15, 2011.*
>  The deadline for CC proposals for the time period Jan/Feb  2012 will be
> Nov 15, 2011.
>  Regards,
> Banumathi Sankaran

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