Dear SAXS and crystallography communities, it is our pleasure to announce a new web server for the calculation and fitting of SAXS/WAXS curves of biomolecules in solution.
WAXSiS ("WAXS in Solvent") computes SAXS/WAXS curves based on explicit-solvent all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. The key differences to established web services are: * No fitting parameters associated with the solvation shell or excluded solvent are required. * Solvation shell and excluded solvent are described at atomic detail, allowing accurate scattering predictions also at wide angles. * Thermal fluctuations of solvent and biomolecule are naturally included. Please find WAXSiS at: WAXSiS is up and running, and it has passed a few hundred test calculations. We would be pleased to receive feed-back, comments, and functionality requests from the SAXS community. With best wishes, The WAXSiS team at the University of Göttingen