Dear colleagues,


I would like to remind you that registration for the Murnau conference on
Structural Biology will end soon (July 31st). At the meeting from September
10 to 13, we will have eminent scientist as speakers from various fields of
structural biology (see
for the program), and there are several additional slots for oral
presentations that will be filled through selection from the submitted


For more information on this meeting please have a look at


I'm looking forward to meeting you in Murnau!


With best regards




Prof. Dr. Clemens Steegborn 

University of Bayreuth 

Dept. Biochemistry, NW III
Universitaetsstr. 30
95447 Bayreuth, Germany


phone: ++49 0921 / 55 - 7831

fax:     ++49 0921 / 55 - 7832

email:   <>

web:     <>



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