Slabs are almost always due to rogue huge reflection(s).
If you run mtzdump on the refmac_output.mtz you will find the maximum
value and average value of each column.
If you run
fft hklin refmac_output.mtz
LABI F1=FWT PHI=PHWT then the log file gives you the indices of the
largest reflection
This could be due to biscuit contamination of your protein - did you eat cake before setting up your crystallisation drops?Alternatively it could be a Fourier ripple - a very strong 5.4 Å resolution 00l reflection which is not correctPoulBegin forwarded message:From: hayato Jumonji
Dear all, I've phased 3 wavelength SeMet dataset with SHELX and the
resulting mtz on Coot shows ~5.4 A apart slabs in water channel. I've
captured part of the electron density at 0.4sigma. The slabs appear through
out the electron density and parallel to AB plane (space group P21212). Most
of the