Thanks to Petrus Zwart, Navraj Pannu, Marc Schiltz and Kevin Cowtan I've
got a clearer idea as to what's going on (at least until I manage to
confuse myself again).

>1. How does one determine the amplitude and phase to use from a given
>likelihood surface?  Some of the papers I've read refer to using the
>centroid; others seem to be talking about using the location of the
maxima.  >Is there any guidance for when you'd use one instead of the
other, or is >this one of those "try both and see which works best"

The unanamous response was to use centroids; so I was most likely
misunderstanding things when I'd though I was reading about using
likelihood maxima.

>2. How do you get the HL coefficients out of a likelihood surface?  The
>only way I could think of to do this would be to pick up the likelihood
>values over the full phaser circle for a constant amplitude, and fit a
>2-term fourier series to the ln of those values.  But this approach
feels >more like a work-around than anything else (and would lead to the
same >point in complex space having two difference likelihoods for a
centric >reflection), so I'm fairly sure there's a better way to do this
(although I >don't have any ideas what that would be).  SigmaA weights
might be a >possibility, but as far as I know they wouldn't work for all
cases (MAD and >SAS don't have native amplitude measurements).

This turns out to be a bit more complicated.  Fourier series fitting (2 a
terms and 2 b terms for acentrics; 1 a term and 1 b term for centrics)
seems to be a usable approach.  However using these HL coefficents would
end up losing information, at least for acentrics (by going from a complex
distribution to an angular distribution).  One approach for avoiding this
is to improve the approximation (as in Bricogne et al. 2003 Acta D59
2023-2030) with more coefficients, another is to avoid the need to pass
information this way by incorporating multiple likelihood functions within
a single program (as done in refmac5d (at ).

Thanks again to all who responded,


Pete Meyer
Fu Lab
BMCB grad student
Cornell University

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