There is a vacancy for a software developer at the University of Oulu.

Details are below, and also at:

Chris Morris    
Tel: +44 (0)1925 603689  Fax: +44 (0)1925 603634
Mobile: 07921-717915
Daresbury Lab,  Daresbury,  Warrington,  UK,  WA4 4AD 


Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu, Finland

Biocenter Oulu (  is a research institute focused 
on biomedical, biochemical and structural biological research. A vacancy exists 
at the X-ray core facility of the Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu, Finland, 
in the research group of Professor Rik Wierenga, Department of Biochemistry, 
Linnanmaa, Oulu ( to 
extend scientific software that is being developed in the UK.    The person 
appointed will spend some of the working time in the Daresbury Laboratory, 
Cheshire, UK, especially in the beginning of the work.

xtalPiMS Software Developer (fixed-term employment)

The xtalPiMS software application provides a database and a web interface to 
help protein crystallographers keep track of their work. It connects upstream 
to PiMS (Protein Information Management System) and downstream to structure 
determination protocols. This vacancy will extend and support this application 
for use at the University of Oulu and elsewhere. Part of the work is to send 
and receive data related to X-ray diffraction data collection at synchrotrons, 
using ISPyB-protocols. Eventually the key data of the structure solution 
protocol will also be archived in the database. 

Technologies used 
The software system includes a relational database, Oracle for some users and 
Postgres for others.  The user interface is a Java web application, with some 
Ajax. JUnit is used to make test cases.  The project uses Subversion for source 
code control, E-mail archives, and an issue tracker. There are more details at 

Job requirements
You will have an MSc for example in natural science or computing sciences and 
at least three years experience of software development, including experience 
of enhancing existing software. Experience of the following is desirable: 
developing Java web applications, system administration, collaborating at a 
distance, test driven development, software testing, developing software to 
support life scientists, crystallography. Duties will include being a user 
support contact identifying and fixing bugs, identifying enhancements in 
communication with scientists at Oulu and elsewhere, and implementing 
enhancements, incorporating code into the distributed software suite, assisting 
with the public release of software, development of the code base. Travelling 
to Daresbury (UK), Diamond, Oxford (UK) and MAXLAB, Lund (Sweden) will be 
required for the optimal development and  implementation of the software.


The project will start as soon as the position can be filled; it will be for 
two years and might be extended till end of 2013. The starting salary will be 
based on the level 8 of the demand level chart for university level general 
staff of the salary system of the Finnish Universities. The job-specific 
component of the salary being 2333.53 Euro per month and the salary component 
based on personal work performance will be added  (maximum 46.3% of the 
job-specific component). Totally, the monthly starting salary will be between 
2333,53 -2991,59 Euros.

Further information

Further information can be obtained from: Professor Rik Wierenga,, +358 8 5531199 and Chris Morris,, 
+44 1925 603689; and also from:,,  

All applications with a CV and covering letter should be mailed to University 
of Oulu, Kirjaamo/Office of Registrar, PO Box 8000 (Street address: Pentti 
Kaiteran katu 1), FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland, by April 21, 2011, 
before 3:00 pm. Please write on the envelope "xtalPiMS software developer". 
Please indicate how you meet the job requirements described above as well as 
your interests for this project and provide the names and addresses of two 

Reply via email to