On Friday, December 22, 2023, r.stricklin via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>

> Did IBM ever publish programming information for their PC SDLC or BiSync
> communications boards? I’m wondering about the possibility of programming
> one to drive the synchronous protocol needed for “booting” a Northstar
> Advantage over its serial port.
> Or, for that matter, wondering what Northstar had in mind when they made
> that protocol synchronous - what would they have had driving it?

A number of years back I implemented SDLC and BiSync in a STM32
microcontroller. I used it to connect various IBM 3270 compatible terminal
systems to the Hercules emulator.

I made a small board with a STM32 bluepill and a few level converters.
There is BISync software the interfaces with the IBM 2701 simulation in
Hercules, then there is SDLC software that connects to the IBM 3705
simulator by Henk&Edwin.

It is maybe not a direct fit for what you want to do but could probably
very easily be adapted.
Since it is USB it can easily be interfaced.

Browse this repo if you are interested:


> ok
> bear.

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