We have decided to move VCF East to April 12, 13 & 14. There was a
significant number of people that were traveling to see the solar eclipse,
which takes place on April 8 in the United States. If we didn't move the
date, then attendance would have been impacted significantly. Those dates
are available at InfoAge and are now reserved.

More details will be coming soon:
* Consignment moving to a new more spacious location
* Possible on-site food cooking
* Discount hotel blocks
* More great speakers
* Plus more!

The themes this year:
1) The Rise of the GUI
2) Computer Art


Jeff Brace
VCF National Board Member Chairman & Vice President
Vintage Computer Festival East Showrunner
VCF Mid-Atlantic Event Manager
Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 charity
https://vcfed.org/ <http://www.vcfed.org/>

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