Sometimes you are lucky... A friend got a lot of documentation in a haul
just a few days ago, among it was some documentation about NORD-1 and
the ExpandaCore-18 was among it. So now I have complete schematics and
even some timing diagrams. :-)
For reference I'll include the link to the docum
Den 2016-07-25 kl. 14:37, skrev Camiel Vanderhoeven:
Op 25 jul. 2016 2:25 p.m. schreef "Göran Axelsson" :
My guess so far is that there is a problem with reading and writing to
the memory. The problem is that I have no documentation over the memory
module except a drawing of the circuitry used
Op 25 jul. 2016 2:25 p.m. schreef "Göran Axelsson" :
> My guess so far is that there is a problem with reading and writing to
the memory. The problem is that I have no documentation over the memory
module except a drawing of the circuitry used to access it. ND bought
several different models of cor
Hi again...
My recent adventures with the StorageTek tape unit is on hold since I
got a whole new computer to play with... (and because the disk on my
linux with SCSI card had gone bad). A NORD-1 by Norsk Data AS (or Norsk
Dataelektronikk AS as the company was called in those days). It is a