Re: Resolved: VAX-11/750 ECKAL (Cache/TB) Diagnostic failure

2016-04-21 Thread Josh Dersch
And to reply to my own mail: The issue was an improperly installed TU80 controller (it wasn't me!). The NPG jumper was not removed from the backplane when the card was installed. So: Double-check your grants, even when testing something seemingly unrelated, like your cache. Lesson learned.

Resolved: VAX-11/750 ECKAL (Cache/TB) Diagnostic failure

2016-04-21 Thread Josh Dersch
Hey all -- I resolved the weird failure I was seeing on my 11/750 with the Cache/TB diagnostic and since it was fairly random I thought I'd share it to save people from the future (hi, people from the future!) from going through the same machinations I did. Issue: ECKAL diagnostic loads, pr