This may be of interest to some list members, particularly those who have an interest in the BBC computer or just like Twilight Zone type stories.
Apart from being extremely interested in classic computers I also like the old stories that surround these old machines. A while ago I stumbled across a story about a BBC computer (this is the short version) that had been lent out from a school l think (as they did in those days due to the cost of machines back then) and this BBC, despite apparently not being connected to anything, started displaying messages from the past (a previous land owner) and someone in the future. As I said this is the short version of the story - it's also referred to as the Dodleston Messages or even the Dodleston Files if anyone wants to Google it. One of the claims was that this BBC proved the existence of time travel - WOW, a big claim. So the story eventually found its way into a book, The Vertical Plane by Ken Webster (1989). I believe the book gets its title from the way scientists describe time. So being interested in the stories I started my world-wide hunt for a copy. That was tough. A new copy unobtainable, an electronic copy not to my liking - I like the real thing, used copies were monumentally expensive (apparently the first edition was highly collectable). So I resigned myself to maybe one day I would stumble across a copy in a used book shop or an Op Shop (aka Thrift Shop) or a second hand shop. I visit these regularly because its amazing what pops up in them. Much to my surprise in February this year a Second Edition of The Vertical Plane was published and of course obtained for me by my local bookshop. My take - a good yarn - yes, do I believe the story - no. Please note, I have no connection with the editor or the publisher. Kevin Parker