We regret to announce...

There will be no VCF Midwest this year.

The conditions imposed upon us by the CoViD-19 pandemic and related
government regulations, as well as a depressed expected turn-out
figure, will make it impossible for us to host an event of the size
and quality our dedicated fans have come to expect.  Thus today we
have terminated our 2020 contract with Waterford Banquets and the
Clarion Inn hotel.

We recommend cancelling your hotel and travel reservations, if you
have made them, and we hope that you have not been too greatly
inconvenienced by our change of plans.

We also wish to express our thanks for the many responses we received
to our survey sent back in May.  Your feedback was informative,
interesting, humorous and most of all, essential in helping us make
the right decision about this year's show.

The good news is that we have an excellent relationship with our host
venue and have already locked in our contract for 2021.  Although a
long way off, plans will take shape early next year for that show, so
please keep an eye out for further announcements of VCFMW 16 (or will
it be 15b? We don't know yet!)

Also, following the lead of other cancelled festivals, we are
considering a Virtual VCFMW to be held on one or more of the dates
allocated for this year's show (Sept 12 or 13, 2020).  If we think we
can pull off something half as entertaining as the real thing, maybe
we'll do it.  Watch your email for announcements sometime in August.

Your humble(d) organizer -

- jason

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