On 29 June 2017 at 17:34, Tapley, Mark <mtap...@swri.edu> wrote:
>         I think i virtually did that - I switched to using my 1st-gen iPod 
> (shuffle, no screen) as a USB transfer device. However I’m not certain, 
> because something else fixed the problem.

Nah, the Shuffle isn't first gen. It's about 5th gen. The original
click-wheel Firewire-only iPod 5GB is first gen. That will default to
HFS+ I think. Most of the later ones use FAT32, I believe.

>         When I hit the same Apple URL from TenFourFox on the G4, it 
> automatically chose to send me a .bin file containing the .smi, which 
> transferred intact to the iPod and thence to the G3, and un-bin-hexed into an 
> .smi image that mounted on the G3, so that part of the problem is solved. I 
> ran out of time to actually do the firmware update last night, and probably 
> can’t get to it until the weekend :-( but will report.

Ah, right, good. That'll do it, yes.

>         I did try connecting ethernet on the G3 while in Mac OS 9.2 No light 
> on the hub. I could not find a way to force the baud rate in Mac OS 9.2 (part 
> of my “fumbling” below) so I never did see a connect light in that 
> configuration. I didn’t try pinging, presuming that no light definitively 
> meant no packets flowing.

Just checking -- you've tried different cables? Even unplugging the
same one and reconnecting it the opposite way round can help! (My
theory is that if there are old patterns of wear or corrosion on the
connectors in either the plugs or sockets, reversing the direction of
the cable forces the connectors to scrape new clean patches. It has
worked for me, genuinely.)

I'd suspect the hub, though. Perhaps it's had some software update
that's affected it?

>         In most ways I agree! My daily driver for about a decade was a 
> PowerBook 3400 - starting in MacOS 7.6 (? I think - whatever came with the 
> machine new) and going straight through to MacOS 9.1. I worked on putting the 
> then-new OSX onto it but never succeeded and every iteration of 10.x looked 
> *slow* compared to 9.1 at the time - I was used to the key-stroke short-cuts 
> on 9.1 and loved it, and finally decided that was exactly what belonged on 
> that machine. (Who ever heard of having to *log in* to my own laptop? :-) ). 
> Mac OS 7 -> 9 and Eudora were the killer apps on which a large fraction of my 
> career success rested, and I do *not* want to sell that system short by any 
> means!
>         Simultaneously, though, I was getting accustomed to the UI on my NeXT 
> computer, and I have gotten pretty settled into that (and derivative) UI on 
> the PB G4 that replaced the 3400 and on the MacBook with which I eventually 
> replaced the G4. (No, I never offered to return the old machines and yes, I 
> sitll have them!). So despite what should be muscle memory, I find myself 
> fumbling a bit when I try to do things on MacOS 9 - that’s what I was 
> referring to.

Oh my! Both a Classic user _and_ a NeXT user! I retract my comments, then.

I like both Classic and OS X, but honestly, for UI polish, I mostly
prefer Classic. There are subtle features I still miss, such as
Drawers and the pervasive spatial metaphor. A lot has been added back
and I do like OS X -- I'm typing into Sierra on a 2011 Mini right now
-- but it doesn't 100% feel like a Mac any more.

My original 1980s Apple Extended keyboard helps. :-) Sadly it's a US
layout one, but that is much less of a problem on a Mac than on a PC.

>         Agreed, and for identical hardware, I think there are pretty few 
> contexts in which MacOS 9 is not faster.

Oh, yes, definitely. Although for me, in terms of snappy
responsiveness, nothing ever beat 8.1 on a fast 68040 machine. I'm
still upset that I missed a Quadra 840 on my local Freecycle group
nearly a decade ago.

Mind you, BeOS stomped all over Classic for responsiveness...

>         Thanks again for your suggestions, and I’ll let you know how it goes 
> this weekend.

Please do!

Liam Proven • Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
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