would only fit on a double-sided DVD.
(Yeah, I know all the cool kids use flash drives -- I'm old.)
G> But, maybe, it is an irrational fear...
An "irrational fear" of Oracle the company is a contradiction in terms.
Karl Vogel / vogelke AT pobox.com / I don't speak f
OT* a recommendation for Oracle in general -- be ready for
them to change the rules at any time.
Finally, I've been on this list for many years -- Johnny H. is the most
responsive and least arrogant person I've ever seen, so please don't pee
in his Wheaties.
Karl Vogel / vogelke AT
=$dest --mandir=$dest/man
[change config.h to hold "#undef HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT" unless
you have a very recent release of inotify sources]
make && make check && make install && make clean
It's a litt
Can't get much lighter than that.
Karl Vogel I don't speak for the USAF or my company
Next time it could be me on the scaffolding.
--written on blackboard by Bart Simpson
Contrast this with an RDB, where you absolutely need consistent and quiet
files to do a successful backup. If you want DB replication, then you need:
* an SMTP server, plus
* an RDB on the mailserver, plus
* a replica of the DB on another server.
Which setup is
u want a list of good reasons to NOT use a database for email,
have a look at
Karl Vogel I don't speak for the USAF or my company
The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling
ball would
et access to the server, can you disable TCP checksum
root# ethtool -K eth0 tx off rx off
root# ethtool -t eth0 offline # adapter self-test
Karl Vogel I don't speak for the USAF or my company
A sum of accountants --collective nouns, J
e whether you
want to use syslog for access logging, etc.
Why not change the production version to use (say) /etc/sysconfig/su for
the default PATH? This way any admin can tweak su behavior to suit
themselves without messing with the code, especially critical code like
andle drives > 1Tb 18 months after said drives
had hit the market.
I'd also second the "don't buy Sun/Oracle" recommendation. Oracle isn't
interested in anything but Fortune 50 business, and it shows.
Karl Vogel I don't speak fo
hcst.net/~vogelke/src/logfiles/ has some examples.
Karl Vogel I don't speak for the USAF or my company
Mr. Rogers was an ordained minister.--item for a lull in conversation
CentOS mailing list
J> one long line.
A Perl module called "Text::Format" is perfect for this. Could you post
(or send) a link to a Mailman-generated HTML archive that has the
problem you describe? Then I can show a before-and-after along with a
script that'll at least give you a start
MWare, & Windows systems using freely-available utilities.
* How to automate DB2, Exchange, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL-Server,
and Sybase backups without using a commercial backup product.
Karl Vogel I don&
st to each machine,
B> putting it on the host's backup drives.
That's what I use at work, but we're closer to the "networked fileservers
with remote shares" setup. I use the find/pax/touch setup above to handle
hourly backups for 800-1000 users, and they
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