[CentOS] What does system-config-netboot do???

2009-01-06 Thread clemens
Having given up on getting system-config-netboot to work (reading the pointers I have received to the wiki, say it is broken), I have the simple question What is it suposed to do??? I have tried to look at the code, but its written in python and I cant follow the logic. Im sure I can easily do

[CentOS] Problem setting up diskless boot.

2009-01-05 Thread clemens
OK, I did this once, several years ago, but I have to do it again, and I cant figure out what this stupid error message is trying to say. I am executing system-config-netboot trying to create a diskless client for a diskless boot I constantly get a popup, with different error messages.

[CentOS] Anyone got Diskless BOOT working under CentOS ???

2009-01-05 Thread clemens
Im trying to get a diskless boot set up under CentOS 5.2, and having no luck at all. I am to the point of running system-config-netboot, and whatever information I put in, I get an error message. Responding to the 2nd button on the first popup, which asks for NFS info, I put in the IP address of

[CentOS] General Error in Firefox (CentOS 5.2) Video

2009-01-03 Thread clemens
This is a new instalation of CentOS 5.2 When I go to FireFox and try to watch a Video clip, some files transfer, and then I get the message General Error in the video window. I ASSUME some additional software needs to be downloaded, but what from where? When running on that Other OS, a message

[CentOS] Source for kernel.

2008-12-29 Thread clemens
Im brand new to CentOS, so this is probably a question with a simple answer (if I only knew where to look). Someone hans pointed me at the centos.plus kernel, which is close to what I need, but I still have to add a couple of options. So where do I find either the src for the centos.plus kernel,

[CentOS] Source for Kernel

2008-12-29 Thread clemens
OK, perhaps I wasnt clear in my previous posting. I am looking for either a SRPM for the CentOS 5.2 centos.plus kernel, or more likely, a diff from the kernel at kernel.org. I was pointed to the wiki, which MENTIONED a Source RPM, but didnt point to anywhere to find these for CentOS. All Ive