on 8-22-2008 9:07 AM Lorenzo Quatrini spake the following:
nate ha scritto:
Lorenzo Quatrini wrote:
I have few disk that have offline uncorrectables sectors;
Ideally it should be done using the manufacturer's tools,
and really any disk that has even one bad sector that the OS
can see should not be relied upon, it should be considered a
failed disk. Disks automatically keep spare sectors that the
operating system cannot see and re-maps bad sectors to them,
if your seeing bad sectors that means that collection of
spares has been exhausted. I've never seen a disk manufacturer
not accept a disk that had bad sectors on it (that was still
under warranty) in as long as I can remember..


For what I understand Offline uncorrectable means that the sector would be
relocated the next time it is accessed for writing... so it is on a "wait for
relocation" status.
I don't know of any other way to force this relocation other tha actually
writing over the sector (a simple read doesn't trigger the relocation)...

And yes, I know that a disk with bad blocks isn't reliable, but you remember?
I'm too lazy to send my home disks back to the manufacturer ;)

Then I hope you are not too lazy to do some proper backups!
Sending a disk back to be replaced is a lot less work then recovering a failed array when the disk tanks. How much is your data worth? I know by experience that a 6 drive raid 5 array can run near $10,000 US to recover.

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