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I'd like to start making formal submissions to the wiki. I'm
back-filling this request as Jim Perrin already added me to the wiki
edit group. I'm relearning how Moin Moin access works (it's been a
while but Fedora used to use Moin) and I've been using the MediaWiki
style of edit/contributions so I'll need to re-adjust to how this
community works.

* Create a login with a username in the format:
  - http://wiki.centos.org/KarstenWade

* Subscribe to the CentOS-docs mailing list
  - done

* Send a message to that mailinglist using centos-docs@centos.org after
you received the subscription notification. In that mail provide at
least the following information:

your FirstnameLastname username
  - KarstenWade 

the proposed subject of your Wiki contribution(s)
  - Description and process for a variant-maintaining SIG; Governing
Board process pages; Core SIG documentation; Infrastructure SIG
  - Google Summer of Code pages
  - General technical documentation about the Project (contributing,
using, etc.) or CentOS Linux
  - Wiki gardening (clean-up and edit of existing content)
  - More as time and projects require.

the proposed location of your Wiki contribution(s)
  - SpecialInterestGroups/ (SIGs/)
  - Board/
  - Infrastructure/
  - Core/
  - GSoC/
  - Documentation/?

We also encourage you to request and to maintain a personal homepage
with your contact information. Some people also use their homepage to
keep a note of their edits, or as a place to experiment for testing
content layout, editing commands, etc.
  - http://wiki.centos.org/KarstenWade

Thanks - Karsten
- -- 
Karsten 'quaid' Wade        .^\          CentOS Doer of Stuff
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org    \  http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC)  \v'             gpg: AD0E0C41
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