[CentOS-virt] KVM: bridge configuration for static IP address

2009-12-11 Thread rewing
I need to allocate public IP address to two guest os. I have only 2 network card Interface on server. say eth0 and eth1. I set eth1 a public IP address. so it should in # vi /etc/sysconfig/ifcfg-eth1 DEVICE=eth1 BOOTPROTO=static HWADDR=00:1a:4d:83:ad:00 BROADCAST=

Re: [CentOS-virt] virt-install failed while install windows2003 guest

2009-12-08 Thread rewing
Hi,All I've solve this problem by doing a chcon --reference=/var/lib/libvirt/images /vm this solve selinux block kvm from accessing disk image outside of /var/lib/libvirt/images Thanks 2009-12-09 rewing 发件人: centos-virt-request 发送时间: 2009-12-09 00:57:19 收件人: centos-virt 抄送: 主题

[CentOS-virt] KVM guest on a specific disk

2009-12-08 Thread rewing
--import, right? I didn't give it a try yet so I'd like to know if other people have done it successfully. Will this let guest os best performance because it has its own disk rather than just a image file? and will it ocuppy the host running resources less? Rewing

[CentOS-virt] KVM network bridge setting on centOS

2009-12-08 Thread rewing
. I need ideas about how to set host OS's network. Could anybody post a workable network seting for me? because the Centos Wiki page seems out of date about this part. and also I googling a lot, but most instruction in the internet seems out of date too. B.R. Rewing