[adding ceph-devel as this may also be an inconvenient to others]

On 09/09/2015 10:23, Ma, Jianpeng wrote:> Hi Loic:
>   Today, I run test/cephtool-test-mds.sh, because my code has bug cause osd 
> down. I only from the screen saw "osd o down ...." and so on. But I don't 
> find the related osd log.
> This because in vstart_wrapper.sh
>>> function vstart_setup()
>>> {
>>>    rm -fr $CEPH_DEV_DIR $CEPH_OUT_DIR
>>>    mkdir -p $CEPH_DEV_DIR
>>>    trap "teardown $CEPH_DIR" EXIT
>  This " trap "teardown $CEPH_DIR" EXIT" will remove the test dir(osd log in 
> this).
> I don' know how to resolve this. But I think this really is a bug. Or am 
> missing something?

You're right, it is inconvenient for debug. What I usually do in these 
situations is add "exit" or even a sleep 10000000 somewhere to bypass 
everything and give me time to take a look at the logs. There should really be 
a way to ask (option, environment variable ?) "please keep the logs when it 
fails instead of cleaning up".

What do you think ?

Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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