
For some reason daily I receive a slow ops which affect the rgw.log pool the 
most (which is pretty small, 32pg / 57k objects / 9.5GB data)

Could be the issue related to rocksdb tasks?

Some log lines:
2024-06-18T14:17:43.849+0700 7fd8002ea700  1 heartbeat_map reset_timeout 
'OSD::osd_op_tp thread 0x7fd8002ea700' had timed out after 15
2024-06-18T14:17:50.865+0700 7fd81a31e700 -1 osd.461 472771 get_health_metrics 
reporting 1 slow ops, oldest is osd_op(client.3349483990.0:462716190 22.11 
22:8deed178:::meta.log.08e85e9f-c16e-43f0-b88d-362f3b7ced2d.15:head [call 
log.list in=69b] snapc 0=[] ondisk+read+known_if_redirected e472771)
2024-06-18T14:17:50.865+0700 7fd81a31e700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] : 1 
slow requests (by type [ 'delayed' : 1 ] most affected pool [ 'dc.rgw.log' : 1 
2024-06-18T14:19:36.040+0700 7fd81e5b4700  1 heartbeat_map is_healthy 
2024-06-18T14:19:51.908+0700 7fd81a31e700 -1 osd.461 472771 get_health_metrics 
reporting 2 slow ops, oldest is osd_op(client.3371539359.0:5095510 22.11 
head [call lock.lock in=64b] snapc 0=[] ondisk+write+known_if_redirected 
2024-06-18T14:19:51.908+0700 7fd81a31e700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] : 2 
slow requests (by type [ 'delayed' : 2 ] most affected pool [ 'dc.rgw.log' : 2 
2024-06-18T14:19:52.899+0700 7fd81a31e700 -1 osd.461 472771 get_health_metrics 
reporting 2 slow ops, oldest is osd_op(client.3371539359.0:5095510 22.11 

I found this thread: 
but I think it is not relevant for me.

We use only SSDs without separated rocksdb so we don' have spillover.
CPU is not overloaded (80% idle) however it's interesting that in vmstat the 
"r" is pretty big which indicates waiting list for cpu:

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
12  0      0 6205288 329803136 15633844    0    0  2149  1894    0    0  5  3 
92  0  0
17  0      0 6156780 329827840 15637252    0    0 125584 250416 646098 1965051 
10  8 82  0  0
21  0      0 6154636 329849504 15636112    0    0 99320 245024 493324 1682377  
7  6 87  0  0
16  0      0 6144256 329869664 15636924    0    0 87484 301968 623345 1993374  
8  7 84  0  0
19  0      0 6057012 329890080 15637932    0    0 160444 303664 549194 1820562  
8  6 85  0  0

Any idea what this could indicate on octopus 15.2.17 with ubuntu 20.04?


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