Dear cephers,

I have a problem with MGR daemons, ceph version mimic-13.2.8. I'm trying to do 
maintenance on our MON/MGR servers and am through with 2 out of 3. I have MON 
and MGR collocated on a host, 3 hosts in total. So far, procedure was to stop 
the deamons on the server and do the maintenance. Now I'd stuck at the last 
server, because MGR fail-over does not work. The remaining MGR instances go 
into a restart loop.

In an attempt to mitigate this, I stopped all but 1 MGR on a node that is done 
with maintenance. Everything fine. However, as soon as I stop the last MON I 
need to do maintenance on, the last remaining MGR goes into a restart loop all 
by itself. As far as I can see, the MGR does actually not restart, it just gets 
thrown out of the cluster. Here is a ceph status before stopping mon.ceph-01:

[root@ceph-01 ~]# ceph status
    id:     xxx
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            1 pools nearfull
    mon: 3 daemons, quorum ceph-01,ceph-02,ceph-03
    mgr: ceph-03(active)
    mds: con-fs2-1/1/1 up  {0=ceph-08=up:active}, 1 up:standby-replay
    osd: 302 osds: 281 up, 281 in
    pools:   11 pools, 3215 pgs
    objects: 334.1 M objects, 689 TiB
    usage:   877 TiB used, 1.1 PiB / 1.9 PiB avail
    pgs:     3208 active+clean
             7    active+clean+scrubbing+deep

As soon as I stop mon.ceph-01, all hell breaks loose. Note that mgr.ceph-03 is 
collocated with mon.ceph-03 and we have quorum between mon.ceph-02 and 
mon.ceph-03. Here ceph status snapshots after shutting down mon.ceph-01:

[root@ceph-01 ~]# ceph status
    id:     xxx
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            1 pools nearfull
            1/3 mons down, quorum ceph-02,ceph-03
    mon: 3 daemons, quorum ceph-02,ceph-03, out of quorum: ceph-01
    mgr: ceph-03(active)
    mds: con-fs2-1/1/1 up  {0=ceph-08=up:active}, 1 up:standby-replay
    osd: 302 osds: 281 up, 281 in
    pools:   11 pools, 3215 pgs
    objects: 334.1 M objects, 689 TiB
    usage:   877 TiB used, 1.1 PiB / 1.9 PiB avail
    pgs:     3207 active+clean
             8    active+clean+scrubbing+deep

[root@ceph-01 ~]# ceph status
    id:     xxx
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            no active mgr
            1 pools nearfull
            1/3 mons down, quorum ceph-02,ceph-03
    mon: 3 daemons, quorum ceph-02,ceph-03, out of quorum: ceph-01
    mgr: no daemons active
    mds: con-fs2-1/1/1 up  {0=ceph-08=up:active}, 1 up:standby-replay
    osd: 302 osds: 281 up, 281 in
    pools:   11 pools, 3215 pgs
    objects: 334.1 M objects, 689 TiB
    usage:   877 TiB used, 1.1 PiB / 1.9 PiB avail
    pgs:     3207 active+clean
             8    active+clean+scrubbing+deep

[root@ceph-01 ~]# ceph status
    id:     xxx
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            1 pools nearfull
            1/3 mons down, quorum ceph-02,ceph-03
    mon: 3 daemons, quorum ceph-02,ceph-03, out of quorum: ceph-01
    mgr: ceph-03(active, starting)
    mds: con-fs2-1/1/1 up  {0=ceph-08=up:active}, 1 up:standby-replay
    osd: 302 osds: 281 up, 281 in
    pools:   11 pools, 3215 pgs
    objects: 334.1 M objects, 689 TiB
    usage:   877 TiB used, 1.1 PiB / 1.9 PiB avail
    pgs:     3207 active+clean
             8    active+clean+scrubbing+deep

It is cycling through these 3 states and I couldn't find a reason why. The node 
ceph-01 is not special in any way.

Any hint would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Frank Schilder
AIT Risø Campus
Bygning 109, rum S14
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