Hello everyone,

We operate two clusters that we installed with ceph-deploy in Nautilus version on Debian 10. We use them for external S3 storage (owncloud) and rbd disk images.We had them upgraded to Octopus and Pacific versions on Debian 11 and recently converted them to cephadm and upgraded to Quincy (17.2.6).

As we now have the orchestrator, we tried updating to 17.2.7 using the command# ceph orch upgrade start --image quay.io/ceph/ceph:v17.2.7

Everything went well, both clusters work perfectly for our use, except that the Rados gateway configuration is no longer accessible from the dashboard with the following error messageError connecting to Object Gateway: RGW REST API failed request with status code 404.

We tried a few solutions found on the internet (reset rgw credentials, restart rgw adnd mgr, reenable dashboard, ...), unsuccessfully.

Does somebody have an idea ?

Best regards,

Jean-Marc Fontana
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