
Lately I’ve been playing with Lua scripting on top of RGW.

I would like to implement a request blocking based on bucket name -> when there 
is a dot in a bucket name return error code and a message that this name is 

Here is the code I was able to came up with.

if string.find(Request.HTTP.URI, '%.') then
   Request.Response.HTTPStatusCode = 400
   Request.Response.HTTPStatus = “InvalidBucketName"
   Request.Response.Message = “Dots in bucket name are not allowed."

This works fine, but the request for creating a bucket would be processed and 
the bucket will be created. I thought about a dirty workaround with setting the 
Request.Bucket.Name to a bucket that already exists but it seems that this 
field is not writable in Quincy.

Is there a way to block the request from processing?

Any help is much appreciated.

Kind regards,

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