Someone got any ideas?
I am not even sure if I am thinking it correctly.

I only want to have users and bucketname synced, so they are unique. But
not the data. I don't want to have redundance.

The documentation reads like I need multiple zonegroups with a single zone

Am Mo., 13. Sept. 2021 um 11:47 Uhr schrieb Boris Behrens <>:

> Dear ceph community,
> I am still stuck with the multi zonegroup configuration. I did these steps:
> 1. Create realm (company), zonegroup(eu), zone(eu-central-1), sync user on
> the site fra1
> 2. Pulled the realm and the period in fra2
> 3. Creted the zonegroup(eu-central-2), zone (eu-central-2), modified zone
> (eu-centrla-2)
>    with the credentials of the sunc user on the site fra2.
> 4. Did a 'period update --commit' and 'metadata sync init; metadata sync
> run' on the site fra2.
> Syncing now seem to work. If I create a user it will be synced. If the
> user creates a bucket,
> this also gets synced, without data (I don't want to sync data. Only
> metadata).
> But I still have some issues with working with these clusters. I am not
> able to upload any data.
> If I try to list bucket, I receive "NoSuchBucket".
> I currently think it is a configuration problem with mit period and
> ceph.conf
> Down below:
> * The output from s3cmd
> * my s3cmd config
> * radosgw-admin period get
> * ceph.conf (fra1/fra2)
> ##########
> [workstation]# s3cmd --config ~/.s3cfg_testing_fra1 la
> ERROR: Error parsing xml: no element found: line 9, column 0
> ERROR: b'<html>\n <head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>\n <body>\n
>  <h1>404 Not Found</h1>\n  <ul>\n   <li>Code: NoSuchBucket</li>\n
> <li>RequestId: tx0000000000000130d0071-00613f1c58-69a6e-eu-central-1</li>\n
>   <li>HostId: 69a6e-eu-central-1-eu</li>\n'
> ERROR: S3 error: 404 (Not Found)
> ##########
> [workstation]# cat ~/.s3cfg_testing_fra1
> [default]
> bucket_location = eu-central-1
> host_base =
> host_bucket = %(bucket)
> website_endpoint = https://%(bucket)
> ##########
> [fra1]# radosgw-admin period get
> {
>     "id": "f8aed695-8f57-47dd-a0b9-de847ccc5cb5",
>     "epoch": 42,
>     "predecessor_uuid": "c748ead2-424a-4209-b183-b0989c8bda0c",
>     "sync_status": [],
>     "period_map": {
>         "id": "f8aed695-8f57-47dd-a0b9-de847ccc5cb5",
>         "zonegroups": [
>             {
>                 "id": "61dfe354-bf61-4a08-9e4d-e7a2228cc651",
>                 "name": "eu-central-2",
>                 "api_name": "eu-central-2",
>                 "is_master": "false",
>                 "endpoints": [
>                     "";
>                 ],
>                 "hostnames": [
>                     ""
>                 ],
>                 "hostnames_s3website": [
>                     ""
>                 ],
>                 "master_zone": "aafa8c61-84f0-48f0-a4f1-110306f83bce",
>                 "zones": [
>                     {
>                         "id": "aafa8c61-84f0-48f0-a4f1-110306f83bce",
>                         "name": "eu-central-2",
>                         "endpoints": [
>                             "";
>                         ],
>                         "log_meta": "false",
>                         "log_data": "false",
>                         "bucket_index_max_shards": 11,
>                         "read_only": "false",
>                         "tier_type": "",
>                         "sync_from_all": "true",
>                         "sync_from": [],
>                         "redirect_zone": ""
>                     }
>                 ],
>                 "placement_targets": [
>                     {
>                         "name": "default-placement",
>                         "tags": [],
>                         "storage_classes": [
>                             "STANDARD"
>                         ]
>                     }
>                 ],
>                 "default_placement": "default-placement",
>                 "realm_id": "be137deb-1072-447c-bd96-def84626872f"
>             },
>             {
>                 "id": "b65bbdfd-0555-43eb-9365-8bc72df2efd5",
>                 "name": "eu",
>                 "api_name": "eu",
>                 "is_master": "true",
>                 "endpoints": [
>                     "";
>                 ],
>                 "hostnames": [
>                     ""
>                 ],
>                 "hostnames_s3website": [
>                     ""
>                 ],
>                 "master_zone": "6afad715-c0e1-4100-9db2-98ed31de0123",
>                 "zones": [
>                     {
>                         "id": "6afad715-c0e1-4100-9db2-98ed31de0123",
>                         "name": "eu-central-1",
>                         "endpoints": [
>                             "";
>                         ],
>                         "log_meta": "false",
>                         "log_data": "false",
>                         "bucket_index_max_shards": 0,
>                         "read_only": "false",
>                         "tier_type": "",
>                         "sync_from_all": "true",
>                         "sync_from": [],
>                         "redirect_zone": ""
>                     }
>                 ],
>                 "placement_targets": [
>                     {
>                         "name": "default-placement",
>                         "tags": [],
>                         "storage_classes": [
>                             "STANDARD"
>                         ]
>                     }
>                 ],
>                 "default_placement": "default-placement",
>                 "realm_id": "be137deb-1072-447c-bd96-def84626872f"
>             }
>         ],
>         "short_zone_ids": [
>             {
>                 "key": "6afad715-c0e1-4100-9db2-98ed31de0123",
>                 "val": 3987441097
>             },
>             {
>                 "key": "aafa8c61-84f0-48f0-a4f1-110306f83bce",
>                 "val": 3536859836
>             }
>         ]
>     },
>     "master_zonegroup": "b65bbdfd-0555-43eb-9365-8bc72df2efd5",
>     "master_zone": "6afad715-c0e1-4100-9db2-98ed31de0123",
>     "period_config": {
>         "bucket_quota": {
>             "enabled": false,
>             "check_on_raw": false,
>             "max_size": -1,
>             "max_size_kb": 0,
>             "max_objects": -1
>         },
>         "user_quota": {
>             "enabled": false,
>             "check_on_raw": false,
>             "max_size": -1,
>             "max_size_kb": 0,
>             "max_objects": -1
>         }
>     },
>     "realm_id": "be137deb-1072-447c-bd96-def84626872f",
>     "realm_name": "company",
>     "realm_epoch": 2
> }
> ##########
> [fra1]# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
> [global]
> fsid                  = 98e60a90-426f-4aba-b039-287206dcce28
> ms_bind_ipv6          = true
> ms_bind_ipv4          = false
> mon_initial_members   = ceph-test-fra1-1
> mon_host              = [fd00:0:0:1::1], [fd00:0:0:1::2], [fd00:0:0:1::3]
> auth_cluster_required = none
> auth_service_required = none
> auth_client_required  = none
> public_network        = fd00:0:0:1::/64
> [client]
> rbd_cache = true
> rbd_cache_size = 64M
> rbd_cache_max_dirty = 48M
> rgw_print_continue = true
> rgw_enable_usage_log = true
> rgw_resolve_cname = true
> rgw_enable_apis = s3,admin,s3website
> rgw_enable_static_website = true
> rgw_trust_forwarded_https = true
> [client.gc-ceph-test-fra1-1]
> rgw_gc_processor_max_time = 1800
> rgw_gc_max_concurrent_io = 20
> []
> rgw_frontends = beast endpoint=
> rgw_region = eu
> rgw_zone = eu-central-1
> rgw_dns_name =
> rgw_dns_s3website_name =
> rgw_thread_pool_size = 512
> ##########
> [fra2]# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
> [global]
> fsid                  = 70ecfb10-1757-4f72-bfca-1c3c8c4639cd
> ms_bind_ipv6          = true
> ms_bind_ipv4          = false
> mon_initial_members   = ceph-test-fra2-1
> mon_host              =
> [fd00:2380:ffff:22::1],[fd00:2380:ffff:22::2],[fd00:2380:ffff:22::3]
> auth_cluster_required = none
> auth_service_required = none
> auth_client_required  = none
> public_network        = fd00:2380:ffff:22::/64
> [client]
> rbd_cache = true
> rbd_cache_size = 64M
> rbd_cache_max_dirty = 48M
> rgw_print_continue = true
> rgw_enable_usage_log = true
> rgw_resolve_cname = true
> rgw_enable_apis = s3,admin,s3website
> rgw_enable_static_website = true
> rgw_trust_forwarded_https = true
> [client.gc-ceph-test-fra2-1]
> rgw_gc_processor_max_time = 1800
> rgw_gc_max_concurrent_io = 20
> []
> rgw_frontends = beast endpoint=
> rgw_region = eu-central-2
> rgw_zone = eu-central-2
> rgw_dns_name =
> rgw_dns_s3website_name =
> rgw_thread_pool_size = 512

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