Den tors 4 maj 2023 kl 17:07 skrev <>:
> The radosgw has been configured like this:
> [client.rgw.ceph1]
> host = ceph1
> rgw_frontends = beast port=8080 ssl_port=443 ssl_certificate=/root/ssl/ca.crt 
> ssl_private_key=/root/ssl/ca.key
> #rgw_frontends = beast port=8080 ssl_port=443 
> ssl_certificate=/root/ssl/ca.crt 
> ssl_private_key=config://rgw/cert/default/ca.key
> admin_socket = /var/run/ceph/ceph-client.rgw.ceph1
> but I'm getting this error:
> failed to add ssl_private_key=/root/ssl/ca.key: No such file or directory
> I also tried to import the key into ceph db and provided the path with 
> config://, but it doesn't work too.
> Anyone have any ideal? Thanks

Perhaps rgw already runs as ceph user and can't read into /root or the
key file due to normal file permissions?

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