I need exactly what ceph is for a whole lot of work, that work just
doesn't represent a large fraction of the total local traffic.  Ceph is
the right choice.  Plainly ceph has tremendous support for replication
within a chassis, among chassis and among racks.  I just need
intra-chassis traffic to not hit the net much.   Seems not such an
unreasonable thing given the intra-chassis crush rules and all.  After
all.. ceph's name wasn't chosen for where it can't go....

On 6/29/20 1:57 PM, Marc Roos wrote:
> I wonder if you should not have chosen a different product? Ceph is 
> meant to distribute data across nodes, racks, data centers etc. For a 
> nail use a hammer, for a screw use a screw driver.
> -----Original Message-----
> To: ceph-users@ceph.io
> Subject: *****SPAM***** [ceph-users] layout help: need chassis local io 
> to minimize net links
> Hi
> I have a few servers each with 6 or more disks, with a storage workload 
> that's around 80% done entirely within each server.   From a 
> work-to-be-done perspective there's no need for 80% of the load to 
> traverse network interfaces, the rest needs what ceph is all about.   So 
> I cooked up a set of crush maps and pools, one map/pool for each server 
> and one map/pool for the whole.  Skipping the long story, the 
> performance remains network link speed bound and has got to change. 
> "Chassis local" io is too slow.   I even tried putting a mon within each 
> server.    I'd like to avoid having to revert to some other HA 
> filesystem per server with ceph at the chassis layer if I can help 
> it.   
> Any notions that would allow 'chassis local' rbd traffic to avoid or 
> mostly avoid leaving the box?
> Thanks!
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