yesterday i did:
 ceph osd purge 32 --yes-i-really-mean-it

I also started to upgrade:
 ceph orch upgrade start --ceph-version 15.2.4

It seems its really gone:
 ceph osd crush remove osd.32  => device 'osd.32' does not appear in
the crush map

ceph orch ps:
 osd.32                    ceph01  error          4h ago     2h
<unknown>  docker.io/ceph/ceph:v15      <unknown>     <unknown>

root@ceph01:~# ceph orch osd rm status
osd.32 ceph01 n/a 2020-07-29 09:50:11.026643  (some hours ago)

root@ceph01:~# ceph health detail
HEALTH_ERR Module 'cephadm' has failed: auth get failed: failed to
find osd.32 in keyring retval: -2; Low space hindering backfill (add
storage if this doesn't resolve itself): 105 pgs backfill_toofull;
Degraded data redundancy: 9882/33167949 objects degraded (0.030%), 1
pg degraded, 1 pg undersized
[ERR] MGR_MODULE_ERROR: Module 'cephadm' has failed: auth get failed:
failed to find osd.32 in keyring retval: -2
    Module 'cephadm' has failed: auth get failed: failed to find
osd.32 in keyring retval: -2

Any idea what i would try to remove that OSD?

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