
I'm adding OSDs to a 5 node cluster using Quincy 17.2.5. The network is a bonded 2x10G link. The issue I'm having is that the rebalance operation seems to impact client I/O and running VMs do not . OSDs are big 6'4TB NVMe drives, so there will be a lot of data to move.

With previous versions it was easy to throttle down the rebalance with "ceph config set osd osd_max_backfills", but as Quincy uses MClock, those values are not used. In fact, default values are overridden with 1000.

If I'm understanding the MClock behavior it will use the estimated osd_mclock_max_capacity_iops_ssd (benchmarked at OSD deploy time) and allow client/rebalance/backfill/trims/scrubs I/O to fill the drive with IOPs up to what is defined in osd_mclock_profile (default value is high_client_ops). Am I correct?

How could I throttle down the rebalance so it gives more headroom for client I/O?

Many thanks in advance.

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