Just upgraded from Ceph Nautilus to Ceph Octopus on Ubuntu 18.04 using
standard ubuntu packages from the Ceph repo.

Upgrade has gone OK but we are having issues with our radosgw service,
eventually failing after some load, here's what we see in the logs:

2021-10-05T15:55:16.328-0400 7fa47ffff700 -1 NetHandler create_socket
couldn't create socket (24) Too many open files
2021-10-05T15:55:17.896-0400 7fa484b18700 -1 NetHandler create_socket
couldn't create socket (24) Too many open files
2021-10-05T15:55:17.964-0400 7fa484b18700 -1 NetHandler create_socket
couldn't create socket (24) Too many open files
2021-10-05T15:55:18.148-0400 7fa484b18700 -1 NetHandler create_socket
couldn't create socket (24) Too many open files

In Ceph Nautilus we used to set in ceph.conf the following which I
think helped is avoid the situation:

  max open files = 131072

This config option seems to be no longer recognized by ceph.

Any help would be appreciated.

Jared Baker
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
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